North Umpqua Story Net is an on-going project to
capture the flavor of life in our community.
This evening we’re learning about some of the special people
here in Glide, and the stories of their challenges and
accomplishments. These are just a few examples of what goes on
in this community. Like the North Umpqua River that winds
through it, the community of Glide has a rich and interesting
history. From fishermen to firemen, teachers to loggers,
gardeners to carpenters, there are so many stories in this room
From minnows to whoppers, the North Umpqua
Story Net is here to pull them in.
Susan Rudisill invited everyone to enjoy the
stories and pictures on the net, and then create your own cards,
adding a fragment of your own experiences to the North Umpqua
Story Net.
Standing, left to right:
Don Kidd, John Livingston, Stu Carlson, Dan Tilson, Bob
Bernal, Mike Miller, Dick Kreger, Donal Scott, George Moyers
Seated, left to right:
Barbara Riley, Carol Henry, Donnabelle Jones, Barbara
Sulffridge, Janie Dumont, Helen Scott, Mignon Weeks, Nancy
Kreger, Susan Flury, Sharry Ison