Though the Scouts ramrod this event, countless community members join in
the effort. Honor Society students from Glide High School,
volunteers from Helping Hands Food Pantry, and dozens of caring citizens
give of their time, talent, and financial resources.
Tons of food items are donated by generous community members and more are
purchased with donated money. Names from the Angel Tree are
picked up and Christmas presents are delivered.
It is truly inspiring how this community
rallies behind this project. Neighbors reaching out to help
Here is a list of items that were included in the food baskets:
turkey or chicken, ham, hamburger patties, milk, eggs, orange juice,
margarine, cheese, pancake mix & syrup, canned soup, chili,
cooking oil, stuffing mix, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, bread,
cranberry sauce, instant oatmeal, canned fruit, canned vegetables,
mayonnaise, ketchup, potatoes, onions, carrots, oranges, apples,
bananas, fig newtons, paper towels, dish soap & sponges, toilet
paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes