Glide First Citizen Celebration 2020

Another outstanding event!



   Plenty of cake to go around - Kristen Moyers' specialty.

The crowd begins to gather.

Lots of smiling faces.

Waiting for the meal.

Time for conversation.

 MC blaming her sling for any faux pas during the evening.

Something new to the Community Center - a belly dancer.
Surprise and smiles on lots of faces in the audience.

               Sabine, impressing the audience.    

Introduction of former First Citizens.
Barbara Riley and Bob Bernal, named in 1991,
were the most senior FCs present.

Pauline Ngigi, Glide High School freshman, singing
"You Are Not Alone."

Dick Kreger telling the crowd the Holiday Food and Gift Program
will continue, even though the BSA Troop has disbanded.

Scholarship Recipients

Jazmine Pardo-Rams    Mishayla Jordan    Calvin Metz   Tyler Organ    Emily Michel
Brooklin Quisenberry is not pictured

Sabine dazzling everyone!


2020 Glide First Citizen Nominees
Dylan Hokanson          Arlene Kidd                 Barbara Pieske               Bill DeGroot


 Pauline singing "The Kerry Dance."


2020 First Citizens
Arlene Kidd                                     Barbara Pieske

Names have been withheld to protect the guilty.

Glide First Citizens
in attendance at the event

Back row, left to right: 
 Mike Miller, Jay Hansen, Donal Scott, Helen Scott, Dennis Moore, Barbara Riley, John Livingston, Abe Long  
Second row, left to right:
Barbara Pieske, Dianne Muscarello, Kelli Long, Sharry Ison, Arlene Drury, Bob Bernal, Don Kidd, Dick Kreger, Nancy Tague
Seated, left to right:
Barbara Sulffridge, Mignon Weeks, Frank Moore, Jeanne Moore, Christy Hall-Scheufele, Barb Hansen, Arlene Kidd, Nancy Kreger